"Patients should always trust their gut instincts': Doctor calls out an unethical scamming dentist, internet explodes with similar situations


When it comes to medical attention, you tend to trust the professionals. That's why they get such a long and rigorous education—so they can know what's best. However, there are some doctors are choose an unethical route and have their patients suffer just so they can make more money. Unfortunately, that kind of behavior runs rampant in the medical industry. It's unfortunate that patients have to not only worry about their medical well-being, but also who they can trust with it. 


A dermatologist on TikTok recently had it with all the unethical behavior and shared an experience he had with a past dentist. She apparently had been working with him for years, and he always had perfect dental hygiene. However, all of a sudden, he had multiple cavities and needed Invisalign, even though he still wears his retainer every day. He wasn't having any trouble with his teeth and she was acting squirrely whenever he would ask questions about it—plus, she told him it would not be covered by insurance and needed to be paid for in cash. So he decided to get a second opinion, and just as he suspected, he was told that he didn't need any of that expensive work done. 

The doctor's story could've have ended up being a horror one, but he was able to avoid it by asking questions and trusting his guy instincts. However, the video exploded with comments from viewers who had similar experiences—unfortunately, not many of them had as good an ending as the doctor's. 




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